Saturday, May 06, 2006


This blog is waay over-due. This blog is by no means an individual effort. Most of us are disgrunted students, or shall we say, graduates, percieve our time at the College to be a time where we have felt frustration, anger, disbelief, but overall, Disappointment. In a time where the College is gaining increasing press coverage, its important that the public hears what actual Students and Graduates and even Staff have to say about the school. All we want is that there is an alternative viewpoint. Please contribute by sending your own experiences and stories about the school. We will correspond to you and also ensure the authenticity of the accounts, as we want total transparency.

As to why we remain anonymous? We prefer to remain faceless. We are you, we represent you. The prospective student, the graduate, the current student, the staff. We know that you feel there is something terribly wrong with the way the school is run. Layers of bureacracy, the lack of transparency, the feeling that there is something that they are not telling us. With anonymity comes the disadvantage of having our claims discredited unless we authenticate them with our (or our contributors' names) names. But with anonymity comes power as well. Fear of persecution, fear of our jobs, and fears of reprisals are gone. Who we are is not important. It is our message that is important.

Whistles Woo


Anonymous said...

u shld have a chat box here man! DE whole management really cannot make it man! no grad show for de diploma of fine arts.... everythin is so expensive in de skool and school fee is going up when we shift, if thats so, i rather not shift

Anonymous said...

chatbox? sure, if you know how to do it. hmm diploma student eh?


Anonymous said...

lol, haha, hmmm, go to,